The Tuesday after Easter Monday is a special day in Murcia city, when the Bando de la Huerta" takes place. Strictly speaking it is a celebration of the Murcia area and it's huerta (gardens), and it's traditions. In the morning there is a floral offering to the virgin Fuensanta, patron of the city. In the afternoon there is a parade, where floats give out local products, bands play traditional music for groups of huertanos to dance typical jotas to.
Photo : 2 lovely this case, Mrs. Guiri and the guirigirl.
However, most of the Murcianos, me included, take the chance to meet up with friends and overeat, overdrink and generally have a good time, all dressed up in local dress. Our day starts at around 12 in the Plaza de la Universidad.....taking coldboxes filled with Estrella Levante beer, cheese, salchichón and chorizo sausages, red wine, plenty of ice cubes. The noise and atmosphere are great, everyone seems to have a great time, and I have never once seen any trouble. In the afternoon we move to the Plaza Europa and carry on chatting whilst consuming the odd G&T.
Photo : A group of Huertanos make merry.....naughtily without the correct footwear!
By the end of the day you end up completely all day binge of booze and food and laughs. Part of the Bando is to make sure you have the following Wednesday off work. Fail to do this and you are in deep trouble.
The Bando.....It's great fun and I highly recommend it. Cheers!
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