Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Sometimes the days fly by. Sometimes when you stop to think, that new year's party you can vaguely remember as being a few weeks ago is 5 months gone. When you are over 40 your birthday creeps up on you and is here again, and then again. That occasion or holiday that seemed far in the distance is suddenly only a fortnight away. Monday arrives and you feel like it's an age to Friday....then suddenly it's Thursday night and you fancy a warm-up pint. Then it's Christmas.

Before you have reigned back your hectic life you realise yer middle age spread has spread, hair only sprouts from the nose and the ears instead of the head, yer kids are taller than you, you aren't that great at football anymore, and as Jeremy Clarkson once said, it's no longer about getting girls into bed.....it's just about getting to bed. But enough about me.....

The draw for the promotion play-off will finally take place next Monday at 4.30 p.m. (3.30 p.m. UK time). The first leg of the play off on Saturday 21st, second leg on the weekend of the 28th May. I'm desperate to know who we will play.....if the first leg will be home or away.....and to get these weeks of worthless games out of the way.

So what the hell has happened to the clock this week? It's Groundhog Day and I'm sure yesterday was Tuesday, and that I looked at the clock 5 minutes ago and it was going backwards. Surely it should be Friday by now?

Pacing around, biting the nails.....but....hang on a minute, all too often I ask myself where all the time has gone....so what's the hurry? Why not just enjoy a couple of slow weeks? Slow down? Chill? Take it easy? Lose the stress?

Here's to waiting!


  1. I will actually be in Spain on Monday, but presume that this blog will still be the first place to hear the draw, unless the official site is very on the ball. Make sure you update us as soon as you can!!

  2. Pete...the club official radio station is carrying the draw live. The link is on the right hand side of the website.
